What time is it?

Failed English Exam

Kesel parah bete nyebelin ngeselin bete bete b e t e....

Rabu kemarin tuhya semua anak XI IPS ulangan bahasa inggris di waktu yg sama, yg bikin badmood adalah niatnya mah belajar grammar sama reading yg keluar apaan....... *tetot abissss* gampang sih emang soalnya tapi tetep aja yg remed 3/4 murid dikelas buahaha (termasuk gue). Ga ngerti lagi deh UAS besok mister yg bikin soal ntah nilai gue nanti begimana.... secara mister gitu siapa sih di SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang yg ga kenal Mr. Fuad :/ *okey ini agak berlebihan* *abaikan*

Noun Clause

Noun Clause is a group of related words and it contains a subject and a verb
  • Noun Clause with a Question Word
    • Where did Alice go yesterday? -> I don't know where Alice went yesterday
    • Why is Jhon always late? -> Tell me why Jhon is always late
    • How long do birds live? -> I know how long birds live
    • When was the first wheel invented? -> Do you know when the first wheel was invented?*
    • Who lives next door to Clara? -> Tell me who lives next door to Clara 
    • What happened? -> I know what happened
*noun clause must be a positive sentence
*a question mark is used at the end of this noun clause because the main subject of the sentence (do you know) are in question word order 
*special for "who" and "what happened" question word order and noun clause word order are the same when the question word is used as a subject

  • Noun Clause with a Question Word + Be
    • Whose car is that? -> I don't know whose car that is
    • What is a crow? -> Tell me what a crow is
    • What's at the end of a rainbow? -> I know what is at the end of a rainbow
    • Who is in the doctor's office? -> I don't know who is in the doctor's office
*a prepositional phrase doesn't come in front of be in a grammar

  • Noun Clause with If or Whether
    • Do you still have Doojoon's address? -> I don't know if i still have Doojoon's address
    • Will Mr. Chu be at the meeting? -> I wonder if Mr. Chu will be at the meeting
    • Is Barcelona a coastal town? -> I know if Barcelona is a coastal town
*when a yes/no question is changed to a noun clause, if is usually used to introduce the clause
*you can use the expression "or not" but it comes at the end of the clause
*whether has the same meaning as if

  • Noun Clause with That
    • Last night, i dreamed that i was at my aunt's house
    • In yesterday's newspaper that i read half of the people in the world have never  used a telephone of any kind in their entire lives
    • Carine realizes that she should study harder
*that clause are frequently used as the objects of verbs that express mental activity (believe, suppose, learn, predict, know, hope, notice, feel, etc)
*the word that is often omitted, especially in speaking

Last month, my group (Bunga as a leader) was presented UNIT 7 at SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang. In Unit 7 there is a grammar about "Noun Clause" and it was my part to present.

Undangan PTN 2014

Ohya jumat lalu kan pengumuman kelas 12 yg keterima di PTN nih agak kecewa sih karena SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang mengalami penurunan :( kabar-kabar yg beredar emang dari kelas 12nya banyak yg ga ngambil undangan tapi langsung PTS. Ya itu sih hak mereka mau kuliah dimana yg pasti selamat kaka kelasku yg lulus 100% :D

Nih gue punya nama-nama kakak kelas yg keterima undangan tahun 2014 ini

UAS is coming

Besok udah bulan Juni nih itu tandanya bakalan ujian kenaikan kelas dan LIBURRRRR~~ Yaps sebelum libur kita harus ujian dulu hikhiks. SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang ujiannya senin nanti tanggal 2 Juni ;( ngga sih udah dari Jumat kemarin tapi itu cuma BP '-')r

Ini jadwal ujian sekolah saya, ntah sama atau tidak dengan sekolah lain karena sekolah saya selalu bikin soal sendiri-__-

Our (soc1st) Jacket

Tau ga sih pas sekolah gue yaitu SMAN Negeri 8 Tangerang ngumumin ke kelas XI-nya buat study tour eh kelas XI serentak pada bikin jaket buat kelasnya masing2.__.

Nah ini jaket kelas gue warnanya navy-putih tulang gitu trus kita punya dua model hoodie zipper sama hoodie jumper, berhubung gue pesen yg zipper jadi fotonya zipper aja ya x)


Siang blogger~

Tadi pagi tepatnya hari Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014 ini kelas XI SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang pengambilan nilai ansambel nih di ruang multimedia hehehe.

Kelas gue yaitu SOC1ST atau XI IPS 1 ngebawain lagu "Sempurna" meskipun latihannya jarang tapi hasilnya lumayanlah its not bad hahaha. Pas tampil kita pake jaket kelas loh, mau liat jaketnya? next posting yaa ;p
