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Desk Lamp

Last semester we had task about procedure text from my teacher in SMA Negeri 8 Tangerang. And i posted "happy soda" 3 months ago, now i will explain "how to make desk lamp" actually this was my friend's task but i helped her to make it. Okay check it out~~

  •  Lamp
  • Cable
  • Marbels 
  • Glue 
  • Bottle 
  • CD

  • The first, arrange the marbels on the circular edge of the CD 
  • Then set up by using glue 
  • Stacking one by one to form composition that you want 
  • Use the bottle of water as opposition, so the marbels don't collapse 
  • After that, you can string up the lamp and put it in 
  • And then the desk lamp is ready to use


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